Dealing With Study Stress

We always get stress from exams and studying. A little stress is good for our will to study, but too much stress makes us nervous. So, it is important to get rid of our stress as soon as possible. What is the best way to get rid of stress? And where can we get rid of our stress near Ewha campus?

As we surveyed 70 students in EIE, 44 percent of students said they get rid of their stress by eating. They said when they get stressed they eat sweet things. And other answers were sleeping 24%, listening to music 17%, and exercising 9%. Also, there were a few answers like drinking alcohol, crying, yelling, or watching TV.

Then, what can we do to get rid of our stress near Ewha campus?
We will give you some tips.


If you want to relax your body, just sleep for 30 minutes, and you will feel much better. Sleeping has lots of advantages. First, I can relax you. When you are tired, you have to force yourself to stay awake and this is stressful. Second, many scientists said that taking a nap is helpful to increase your blood circulation. And that makes us study more effectively. According to a study, participants felt better and decreased their stress hormones after sleeping. If you don’t have enough time to sleep at night, you can go to the ECC Sleeping Room. This is placed next to free reading room 2. You don’t have to go to your room or sleep on your desk. But don’t forget your student ID card.


Many people said when they are stressed, they eat something sweet. Why? Because when we are stressed or feel tension, our body uses glucose. So, we want to eat something sweet when we are stressed. But this way is not good for breaking stress. When we eat food with lots of sugar, our blood sugar gets rapidly lower after it soars in a short time. So we are able to feel many changes in our emotions. Then, which food is good for breaking stress?
If you are stressed, I recommend that you eat food which includes Vitamin C. Vitamin C speeds up metabolism, and it gives a feeling of refreshment, so we can feel better. It is contained in fresh vegetables like spinach, curled mallow,

lettuce, and fruits like tangerines. Also, eating food with carbohydrates is good for breaking stress. When we eat carbohydrates, it stimulates our brain to secrete serotonin that has a relaxing effect. And foods which have unsaturated fatty aid or iodine are good for resolving tension: salmon, tuna, sea mustard and kelp are good examples.


If you like to listening to music, I want to recommend some tips for choosing the right kind. First, you should consider your mind. When you feel uncomfortable yourself, dance music with a fast beat can actually make people more gloomy. If you suddenly listen to music which is opposite to your emotions, you can’t decrease your stress. So, when you want to lift your emotions, choose music which begins slowly and then becomes more lively. It will make you feel good.
Also you know your music taste. Lots of music lists which relieve your stress are on the internet. But they can’t all satisfy your taste. No one knows about your taste. Just you can know about yourself. So please when you listen to music on the list, please check that music. This behavior generates the effect of decreasing your stress.
If you use your MP3 or other personal electronics you must use your earphones. But if you have your own place, please don’t use your earphones. According to a study, listening to music with earphones can cause difficulty in hearing. So I think using speakers is much better.


Exercising is good for breaking stress and that is a well-known fact. Why is it good for breaking stress? Exercising makes our attack instinct and negative thinking low, so we feel comfortable and fresh. And it enhances tolerance against fatigue, so we are able to become active and have positive thinking. Also, it prevents depression.
In Ewha University, there is a useful facility. It is Ewha’s Fitness Club. It has many exercise machines and equipment, so you can do whatever exercise you want. Moreover, the price is much cheaper than other fitness clubs. If you want to exercise, don’t hesitate!

With this article we described how to get rid of our stress near Ewha campus. So you can get rid of your stress by sleeping at ECC sleeping room, eating the right kind of food and exercising at ECC fitness center. Then, you can feel more comfortable than before.
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Just do it!